„Tools are there to serve your ideas. I want to use the most perfect tool to express what I want to say, and if it’s dancing I will dance.“ Peter Puklus
Peter Puklus(born 1980, Kolozsvár) lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. He studied photography at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest (MOME) and new media design at the École National Supérieur de Création Industrielle (ENSCI) in Paris. He is about to finish his DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) studies in photography at MOME.
Beside the photographic gaze which can always be found in the center of Puklus’ works, he recently started to explore undiscovered territories beyond the wooden frame. His recent projects involve sculptures, objects, installations, drawings and videos. Either in the gallery space or in a photo-book form, storytelling has a substantial role. Puklus mixes different genres and medias and makes them relate to each other.Peter Puklus explores permanently our understanding of imaging - he maps and questions the outer galaxy and his inner universe. He playfully moves between dimensions to fathom the hidden nature and operation of the world. The starting points are often banal objects and situations of everyday life that transcend their original function in the process of visualizing and therefore gain a new meaning. Peter Puklus arranges objects anew, correlates them and adds own associations. His photo series are studies, sketchbooks and knowledge travels at the same time, beyond any formal boundary and consequently expanding the photographic space radically. Following their own special rhythm and pattern – his works are free of any convention, chronology or logical sequence.
In 2012 he published two photo-books: ‘One and a half meter‘ with Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg and‘Handbook to the Stars‘ with Stokovec, Banská Stiavnica. At the moment he is working on his third book ‘The Epic Love Story of a Warrior‘ to be published in 2016 by Self Publish, Be Happy, London.